Here’s a 1956 letter from the Museum of Modern Art to Andy Warhol, saying “thanks but no thanks” to his donation of a drawing.
“I regret that I must report to you that the Committee decided” not to accept the drawing is a perfectly adequate apology. Explaining that your decision is based on your limited storage space is a little hurtful when, uh, it’s a DRAWING — how much space does it need? I think it would have been better to cut that entire paragraph. When you’re delivering a shiv to the ribs, make it quick.
MoMA should totally have drinks with the 12 publishers who rejected JK Rowling’s Harry Potter manuscript.
One drawing does indeed require limited space. But the documentation and cataloging required to keep track of it in the non-digital age probably would have equalled every bit as much space again. Multiply that by the number of donations they were undoubtedly offered by many others aspiring to have their art in such a prestigious museum, and I can understand their decision and letter. But if it were resubmitted now, I expect it would get a warmer reception!
Does anyone know what that “cables” info on the letterhead was for?