You don’t get to apologize and ask for sexual favors on the same cake. Two cakes. If the sorry cake is accepted, THEN you can bring out the sex cake.
Um, no.
by snarly | Jul 8, 2013 | Artistic apologies, Funny-on-Purpose Apologies | 8 comments
by snarly | Jul 8, 2013 | Artistic apologies, Funny-on-Purpose Apologies | 8 comments
You don’t get to apologize and ask for sexual favors on the same cake. Two cakes. If the sorry cake is accepted, THEN you can bring out the sex cake.
If the person was super hot I might forgive the bad apology.
You claim cake does not enter into your calculations?
Ha, yeah, I guess that is what I’m saying, yes. Although conceivably one could eat the cake and not agree to the sex. Nothing changes the bad apology, however.
wait, what kind of cake?
It’s pie or nothing, baybee!
Okay, trying to imagine occasion on which said cake might constitute acceptable apology. What if fight had been about the cake-baker denying sex to the cake-eater? In that case, cake is an act of repentant compromise?
Cake is a pretty good negotiating tool, but the icing looks awful, and the grammar could use work…
Do you have to eat the whole cake to accept the apology? If so sex may be out of the question afterwards anyway.