Poynter.org has a list of the best media corrections of 2013. SO MUCH EXCELLENCE! I believe my favorite is this, from the Tampa Bay Times:
This story has been updated to reflect the following change: A Tampa Bay Times reporter not strong in the ways of the force (or Star Wars lore) quoted the event’s moderator, Croix Provence, as asking: “Are you ready to find love in all the wrong places?” What Provence actually said was: “Are you ready to find love in Alderaan places?” She was referring to Princess Leia Organa’s home world, which appeared briefly in the 1977 film. Regret the error, we do.
I think the best media correction there has to be another otherworldly apology — from The Sun to alien lifeforms for erroneously linking them to Scientology.
I forget if we covered that here or on the FB page — but we covered it!