But perhaps not specific enough. Did the person break the entire Xbox, or just Skyrim? (That link, incidentally, is what you get when you type “WHAT THE HELL IS SKYRIM” into Google.) Was the cake accompanied by a replacement Xbox/copy of Skyrim? Is there further conduct that should be apologized for, perhaps the conduct that led to the dropping of the Xbox? (“Sorry my capuchin monkey and I were playing catch with your gaming device?” “Sorry I was taking your gaming device with me to my house when I tripped over the monkey?”) Enquiring minds, etc.
a very specific apology cake
by snarly | Oct 21, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies, Personal Apologies | 3 comments

It may be incomplete, but cake is a hell of a good start for an apology! Especially if it’s chocolate…
also it needs the followup pledge — “I will never again juggle with your Xbox” etc. Otherwise excellent though. The handwriting is plaintive and desolate looking.
Hah. I learned what Skyrim was this past summer, with the Niecelet living in our house, but … really? Who is picking up the Xbox? And, why???