Hi! It turns out that redesigning a site that was built in 2012 and looked it is no small feat! All hail Leha at Web People Media. Also, an announcement: There will be a SorryWatch book! Look for it in the winter of 2022. (Publication date pushed back because of this...
Nick Cave on forgiveness

Nick Cave on forgiveness

Someone asked the singer-songwriter Nick Cave, on his intimate personal site The Red Hand Files, “How do you forgive somebody whom you love very much but has done something truly terrible?” He answered: How to forgive the unforgivable? Now there is a...
Word of the Day!

Word of the Day!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading romance, it’s what an earnest and sincere apology looks like. A really moving grovel is a staple of the genre. This didn’t even come close. — Olivia Waite (@O_Waite)https://twitter.com/O_Waite/status/1215326550016417802...

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