by snarly | Jan 26, 2020 | Bropology, Sports Apologies, Youth apologizes
The bicep-enabled young man with the microphone is Charlie, son of Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Brad Hall, a walk-on player at Northwestern. He is amusing. But let us take this opportunity to note that his teammate Nathan Taphorn’s unsolicited apology for failing to...
by snarly | Jan 13, 2020 | The Mechanics of Apology
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading romance, it’s what an earnest and sincere apology looks like. A really moving grovel is a staple of the genre. This didn’t even come close. — Olivia Waite (@O_Waite)
by snarly | Dec 5, 2019 | Bropology, Celebrity Apologies, Other Apologies
Hahahahaha, let’s all pose in coolie hats and do ching-chong eye-stretchy karate-y things! Let’s encourage this small child to participate merrily and racistly in our racist merriment! Eater explains that as part of an event in which chefs from around the...
by snarly | Nov 21, 2019 | Artistic apologies, Youth apologizes
Behold an illustration from the brilliant Catherine Newman’s forthcoming children’s book (for kids 10 to 14), How to Be a Person: 65 Hugely Useful, Super-Important Skills to Learn Before You’re Grown Up. The book is basically a funny and readable...
by snarly | Nov 17, 2019 | Artistic apologies, Youth apologizes
Young Adult literature seems to exist in a constant state of social media drama! Much like young adults! Remember that author who literally stalked a reader who gave her novel a bad review on Goodreads? She then turned the act of stalking into a book deal. Or maybe...