Our inaugural Bad Apology Bingo card. More, sadly, forthcoming.
bad apology bingo!
by snarly | Mar 4, 2013 | Apology Essentials, Funny-on-Purpose Apologies, The Mechanics of Apology | 4 comments

- Putting down the putter-downer | SorryWatch - [...] and that this was his “first indiscretion.” The former comment is a square in Bad Apology Bingo; the latter is…
- Barilla makes Lady and the Tramp sad | SorryWatch - […] analysis: We could play Bad Apology Bingo with this one! We have “apologize if,” “misunderstanding,” and “what […]
- A vlogger explains how to apologize (ugh, I typed “vlogger”) | SorryWatch - […] Chescaleigh’s thoughts — obviously in line with SorryWatch’s — on why your crap-apology-bingo responses will not […]
- Belatedly weighing in on the news | SorryWatch - […] if,” the passive voice, the “not my intent” — it’s half a Bad Apology Bingo card. (Also, “any pain”?…
- Babies are takers | SorryWatch - […] actually saying anything. “Let’s move forward” is a conclusion straight out of Bad Apology Bingo: All it means is “Can…
- Oy, Dov. Oy, LRN. | SorryWatch - […] And saying something is “not representative of our values” is corporate-ese for the Bad Apology Bingo entry “This is not…
- Black Milk is very unappetizing. | SorryWatch - […] the more Black Milk doubled down. In posts filled with smileys, the company employed the classic Bad Apology Bingo strategies…
- No, No, Nancy | SorryWatch - […] misplaced selfish “concerns” about your own health) this episode caused (passive voice, BAD APOLOGY BINGO!). We are thrilled that…
- Nicki Minaj Tries To Apologize For Her Nazi Video | OK Fashion - […] Oh dear. When and if that apology arises, be sure to see how Slim Shady scores in SorryWatch’s Bad…
- Nicki Minaj Tries To Apologize For Her Nazi Video | Fashion and Styles - […] Oh dear. When and if that apology arises, be sure to see how Slim Shady scores in SorryWatch’s Bad…
- nicki minaj hates nazis, you guys! | SorryWatch - […] we playing Bad Apology Bingo, I’d say she hits the “misconstrued,” “vagueness,” “sorry […]
- I’m Sorry | Sinclairity - […] no conditional language. Do not even with the “I’m sorry if…” Qualifying language like “I’m sorry if” has no…
- Ariana Grande, donut-licker | SorryWatch - […] on: She says, “it wasn’t me, at all,” cousin to the Bad Apology Bingo phrase “this is not who…
- UPDATE! Feral mac-n-cheese-kid apology acceptance news | SorryWatch - […] physically push around food-service workers. In the realm of decent apology, it is verboten to say “that’s not who I…
- DNC CFO XYZ PDQ WTF | SorryWatch - […] I did does not reflect what I believe.” This bit of idiocy is so common it’s on our bingo…
- OY, VOYA | SorryWatch - […] you, Lisa! Listen! Do not defend! Then her “apology” goes WAY off the rails, with a “this is not who we…
- A disgusting mouth | SorryWatch - […] This would do awesomely on Bad Apology Bingo! […]
- Nothing says lovin’ like something from the oven | SorryWatch - […] is not who we are” does not belong in apologies. It is who you are. This phrase is a tried-and-true statement by…
- Bad Apology Bingo II | SorryWatch - […] recall our post-Lance-Armstrong game of Bad Apology Bingo? Welp, in the wake of a recent raft of crap apologies…
- “This is not who I am” | SorryWatch - […] a reason “this is not who I am” was a space on our very first Bad Apology Bingo card,…
“my humor is edgy”!!!
“let us move forward”!!!
good stuff
Brilliant, love it. Bad Apology Bingo 2 is just as good.
I might need to print and use this as an actual resource!
What, no “but it’s not FOR you, it’s just ABOUT you”