by sumac | Dec 23, 2013 | Personal Apologies
Sometimes you think ‘I’ll just do one last tweet for the road!’ and sometimes you might want to think again. Justine Sacco, Communications Director at IAC, a big internet and media company, chose to tweet and fly. She was flying from London to South...
by snarly | Nov 18, 2013 | Media Apologies, Other Apologies, Personal Apologies
We were overdue. Kari Wagner-Peck, who blogs at Not a Typical Mom, has a child with Down Syndrome. Earlier this month, she published an open letter to writer Chuck Klosterman on her blog. It’s worth reading in its entirety. But if you’re short on time, her...
by snarly | Nov 14, 2013 | Celebrity Apologies, Personal Apologies, The Mechanics of Apology
Comic Franchesca Ramsey (aka Chescaleigh) is best known for her video “Sh*t White Girls Say…to Black Girls” (SWGSTBG). But this video is serious-serious rather than funny-serious; it’s about how to respond when someone is offended by your offensiveness. I like...
by snarly | Oct 21, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies, Personal Apologies
But perhaps not specific enough. Did the person break the entire Xbox, or just Skyrim? (That link, incidentally, is what you get when you type “WHAT THE HELL IS SKYRIM” into Google.) Was the cake accompanied by a replacement Xbox/copy of Skyrim? Is there...
by sumac | Oct 4, 2013 | Personal Apologies
Long-awaited vacation. Overnight flight, US to Europe. Every seat taken. The adventure begins. A man I shall call Mr. Sumac stands to let another passenger take an assigned seat next to him. This passenger, a man I call Typhoid Cretin, says (to the best of Mr....
by sumac | Sep 11, 2013 | Artistic apologies, Personal Apologies
Music writer Dave Bry, so blatantly riding off SorryWatch’s international fame (they love us in Italy, they love us in Brazil, they’ve heard of us in France), has written a book called Public Apology: In Which a Man Grapples with a Lifetime of Regret, One...