by snarly | Apr 1, 2015 | Youth apologizes
Why the Cardinal is Red: A Pourquoi Tale (A folktale about forgiveness written by a 10-year-old of SorryWatch’s acquaintance.) Cardinal lived in a forest in a great oak that tickled the clouds. He could see the waterfall and the roses and the big bright sun....
by sumac | Jul 21, 2014 | Youth apologizes
This happened at a women’s restroom at a highway gas station in Utah. Three stalls. Our protagonist, thinking the handicapped stall is empty, opens the door. It is not empty. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” says our protagonist and closes the door instantly....
by snarly | Jul 1, 2014 | True Crime Apologies, Youth apologizes
I just put this on SorryWatch’s Facebook page, which is what we generally do with items we find interesting but don’t have a lot to pontificate about….but you know what, we’re in need of a good apology right now and this fits the bill. From...
by snarly | Jun 19, 2014 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies, Personal Apologies, Youth apologizes
Buzzfeed culls the very best of the internet for us, and provides all the cute cat pictures my family requires. Here from a list of why kids are way better than you (doubtful) are three apology notes. The final one is NSFW. (Kids today.) I like that this child has...
by snarly | Jun 16, 2014 | Apology Essentials, Personal Apologies, Religious Apologies, Youth apologizes
Lots of viral buzz about a post, on a blog called cuppacocoa, from a teacher named JoEllen, about how she makes her class apologize. Some of her ideas work for me; some emphatically don’t. Let’s discuss! Have you read the post? OK, I like JoEllen’s...
by sumac | Apr 21, 2014 | Academic apologies, Institutional Apologies, Youth apologizes
Zeman Elementary School in Lincoln, Nebraska, sent a flyer to parents of fifth graders with 9 rules for their kids. The rules are supposed to help kids stop being bullied, by turning bullies into friends. Wow! How empowering is that!?! Except that the rules are...