Your SorryWatchers have been busy promoting SORRY, SORRY, SORRY: The Case for Good Apologies. Feel free to skip this self-absorbed post.

We had a great time at Kepler’s Books. And Snarly apologizes to anyone who may have gotten COVID from her. She tested positive two days later. Thereby missing the event at P&T Knitwear. Which was ably handled by Sumac and our editor Hannah. Ugh.

Snarly did get to join Sumac on NPR’s “All Things Considered” (on the PHONE) with the fabulous Mary Louise Kelly. We were also on Maine Public Radio for an hour-long interview, and we were on Tavis Smiley’s radio show (here’s a Spotify link, but you can listen wherever you get your podcasts) for an hour; we asked him if there was anyone in his past he’d like to apologize to.

We were quoted in a very readable piece from the NYT by Jessica Grose about teaching kids to apologize. Snarly made (still more) apology bracelets for a Go Fug Yourself reader. SORRY, SORRY, SORRY was reviewed in People magazine (print only! wild!), which called it “a witty, useful guide.” Sumac did an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald. Oprah ran an excerpt about the 6.5 steps to a good apology, and LitHub excerpted the “What I Said on My Private Island Was Taken Out of Context” chapter, about bad celebrity apologies. And here’s a little snippet we put together for Readers Digest about how NOT to apologize. Here’s Times Radio (UK), including, spoiler alert, a British political apology IN SONG! Snarly and Sumac were also on the “Smart Bitches, Trashy Books” podcast and Snarly was on “The Secret Life of Cookies” podcast. The host, Marissa Rothkopf, makes a recipe with her guest. This is how Snarly discovered she cannot bake and talk at the same time. The CLUE was the box of baking soda on the counter that did not wind up in the recipe. (Marissa said it was OK to add after all the other ingredients — we made fancy dark chocolate cherry oatmeal cookies, and Snarly had to kind of sprinkle the baking soda like fairy dust on top of everything else and half-assedly mash it into the completed dough — and Marissa was right! Seriously great cookies!)


Here is Snarly failing to talk and bake at the same time. Also, why does she have GHOST WHISKERS?

The next SORRY SORRY SORRY in-person event is a convo between Snarly and NYT columnist Ron Lieber in Brooklyn, at Congregation Beth Elohim, on Feb 8 at 7pm. Perhaps you know some Brooklynites, or people willing to cross bridges, who might wanna go? Snarly and Sumac will be speaking at the American Booksellers Association conference in Seattle later in the month, and we are super-psyched. We love you, indie booksellers!

Thank you for indulging us with this post. And now, back to your regularly scheduled SorryWatching.

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Sorry to be self-aggrandizing schmucks!
Person costumed as a bat or maybe a spider in the 2010 West Indian American Day parade in Brooklyn, NY.
Daguerrotype of young Maggie and Kate Fox, with hands in their laps and straight hair parted in the middle and curled under at the ends, both looking somberly at the viewer
Realistic cake in the shape of a dachshund tucked into bed.
Person costumed as a bat or maybe a spider in the 2010 West Indian American Day parade in Brooklyn, NY.
Daguerrotype of young Maggie and Kate Fox, with hands in their laps and straight hair parted in the middle and curled under at the ends, both looking somberly at the viewer
Realistic cake in the shape of a dachshund tucked into bed.
