The Facebook apology has gone viral.
The police had been invited to speak to students in their very first week of school. According to The Guardian, the young pupils were unable to come to an onomatopoeic consensus, but voted 60 to 26 in favor of “woo-woo.” The Guardian helpfully points out that in France a siren goes “pin pon,” while in Italy it goes “nino nino,” and in the Philippines it goes “wang wang wang.”
Over the next fortnight the students will be visited by ambulance and fire engine crews, so sorry in advance, Haydonleigh neighborhood!
PS. For more charming examples of how to build relationships with the people you serve, check out the Bangor Maine Police Department Facebook feed, and enjoy this video of an NYPD cop dancing with a marcher at a LGBT Pride event and this other NYPD cop doing the nae nae at a Bed Stuy block party in Brooklyn.
I worry that applicants to police departments will now have to pass dance tests.
Bless their wee hearts.
It’s neither nee-nah nor woo-woo; obviously it’s wee-ah.