Trending today on Twitter: #sorrynotsorry. Let’s unpack that and spread its contents all over the floor. And accidentally step on some of it.

#sorrynotsorry means: “This is a situation where people often say ‘Sorry,’ but since I’m unrepentant, I’m just saying ‘Sorry’ to RUB IT IN that I’m like all ‘Tra la.’”

For example:

when I have my headphones on and I see my mom talking to me and I just ignore her #sorrynotsorry

I tweet my feelings, I don’t care what ppl say #sorrynotsorry

Driving inches behind me is not gonna make me speed up especially on Sycamore. I’m not trying to get a ticket because of you. #sorrynotsorry

Image: Will Eisner. Public domain.

Ask him if he cares. (I needed to put this here because it made me laugh. Plus it’s by Will Eisner. If you don’t find it illustrative, #sorrynotsorry.)

After the second time you get back together, I stop caring about your break up stories #sorrynotsorry

However, this being Twitter, people are also using it to mean all kinds of other things.

There are plenty of plain old insults:

Just because you drive your dads truck… Doesn’t make you a country girl.

Dear Gents, I feel as though if you use axe body spray, you’re either 15 or have some serious maturity issues

okay, if you have a tattoo right next to your lady business you’re probably a straight up whore

All kinds of pop sociology:

The poorest people are the ones that upload pictures of their actual cash money

You can’t be a cute couple when either of you have cheated….

Photo: Richard Kaszeta. Public domain.

Lucky for me everybody photographs their food now, including their HASH. Say, wouldn’t that make a great clue in a murder mystery – did the victim photograph their last meal? Does that food look… right? Can we tell where it was by the… crockery? #freeplotdevice

Some is beautiful self-acceptance:

Apparently I’ve gained the ability of snoring while in college

Some is self-delusion:

I don’t talk about you anymore, let alone think about you, I’ve moved on.. Nothing is about you gad damn it

Some is boasting:

Two doughnuts. Yep. Don’t even care

I caught this guy staring at me twice and i just blurted out “wtf creep”

Shout out to my mains for always looking bomb!

it’s so awkward that I dance while doing cardio just cause my playlist is that good

There’s quite a bit of commentary on language usage, which I love:

If I see the word “skwater” one more time I’m unfollowing you

A lot of girls are going around all of a sudden saying they know how to ‘dance’. Twerking doesn’t count..

There’s a big difference between your and you’re. College ka na di mo parin yun alam?

Sorry but if your user name is swangster im not accepting your request.

I gag anytime I see little dittle or biggie or anything. I will be big and my little will be little.

yes i can read chinese so when ppl have a chinese character as their twitter name & it makes no sense, i burst out laughing.

I might have just double spaced my footnotes to reach five pages.

Public domain

These TAGs are in Helsinki, so it doesn’t bother me that I can’t read them, because Finnish is a notoriously difficult language. Though actually I think I can read some of them. Maybe I’m deluded.


just pushed an elderly women with an oxygen tank in walmart out of the way to snag the last rachael ray cook book

I still read “Seventeen” & I’m 22. …I’m trying to be hip & get in tight with the next generation

my family is the type of family that takes the free pens from hotel rooms

To the pedestrian that is now soaked head to toe dont stand next to a gurt big puddle without consequences


To the mean girl judging me for eating my spoonful of peanut butter on my way to lab: Quit that


There will be no candy left to hand out by the time the trick-or-treaters come

If you haven’t spoke to a person in months, don’t even think about asking to stay with them this weekend

When I’m upset there is no stopping my tweet rant

I feel bad for the guy that wants to marry me, lol i sleep diagonal so I basically take the whole bed..

I told my English teacher that if he doesn’t make my 79.2 a 79.6 that I’m going to start prostituting

When I say “I wont tell anyone” my boyfriend doesn’t count as “anyone

If you post a selfie everyday on Instagram I’m unfollowing you

Here’s the last one ramped up to a Poisoned Apology:

If you post multiple pointless selfies to FB everyday, it’s obvious you need validation through others & I feel bad for you

Some are storiesIt was Samantha who posted:

Just had to convince some guy my name wasn’t Samantha and I wasn’t the girl he met on the square during summer. Oops, #sorrynotsorry

Kind of ironic I’m writing a research paper on drug abuse and amphetamines while I’m all jacked on addy

I think “Duck Dynasty Wednesday” is the stupidest theme we have ever had.

And Alex posts the essence of the thing:

I just feel cool using hashtags

Sorry not sorry.

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