by snarly | Nov 18, 2016 | Bropology, Celebrity Apologies
Is it time for some feel-good apology news? We think it is. Even if it is not the most TIMELY news. (Sorry. Your SorryWatch team has had other things on their minds.) On October 27th, actor Chris Hemsworth posted a picture of himself with the Indigenous director Taika...
by snarly | Aug 19, 2016 | Bropology, Sports Apologies, Youth apologizes
It is a busy day at SorryWatch HQ, so a quick look at Ryan’s “candid and careful” (mmmphhhh) “apology” (ahahahahahahaha) appears on SorryWatch’s Facebook page, which you should follow for short takes on apologies that do not warrant...
by snarly | Aug 5, 2016 | Bropology, Media Apologies
Thanks to our friends on The Well for pointing us to this one: Australian Today Show presenter Karl Stefanovic, engaged in the dippy banter endemic to morning TV hosts, made jokes about “trannies” on the beach in Rio. The next day, he apologized on air,...
by snarly | Jun 6, 2016 | Bropology, Sports Apologies, True Crime Apologies
You all know Brock Turner? Convicted three-count felon? Stanford swimmer? Recipient of an astonishing, articulate and heart-rending victim impact letter, read aloud in court by the woman he sexually assaulted? Dude who could have gotten 14 years in prison but was...
by snarly | Oct 28, 2015 | Bropology, Youth apologizes
You recall the UConn bacon-jalapeno-mac-n-cheese teen, I’m sure. In a viral video, since taken down (but this site has a nice play-by-play, if you missed it, and a few copies seem to still be floating around Youtube), a privileged and intoxicated young gentleman...
by snarly | May 27, 2015 | Bropology, Celebrity Apologies, Corporate Apologies, Funny-on-Purpose Apologies
When Equinox does it, it’s douchey. When Chris Pratt does it, it is adorable! What is it? Pre-Apology! Pratt is funny (this scene of him as Andy on Parks and Rec, acting out the movie Roadhouse when the cable feed doesn’t work, is all improv, or so my...