by snarly | Dec 13, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies
from Kate Beaton’s brilliant Hark, a Vagrant (her book is a great gift!), an installment of Canadian Stereotype Comics: Though Rob Ford and Lululemon dude clearly failed to read it....
by snarly | Dec 4, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies
This pug requires shaming. Unlike this golden retriever, who seems sufficiently shamed. Certainly this dog is right to apologize for jumping on the guest. Don’t do that, dog. Even if your owner has failed you by not providing sufficient obedience training....
by sumac | Oct 29, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies
Trending today on Twitter: #sorrynotsorry. Let’s unpack that and spread its contents all over the floor. And accidentally step on some of it. #sorrynotsorry means: “This is a situation where people often say ‘Sorry,’ but since I’m unrepentant,...
by snarly | Oct 21, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies, Personal Apologies
But perhaps not specific enough. Did the person break the entire Xbox, or just Skyrim? (That link, incidentally, is what you get when you type “WHAT THE HELL IS SKYRIM” into Google.) Was the cake accompanied by a replacement Xbox/copy of Skyrim? Is there...
by snarly | Aug 6, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies, Personal Apologies
From, of course, Passive-Aggressive...
by snarly | Jul 10, 2013 | Funny-on-Purpose Apologies, Media Apologies
Yeah, cry me a river, New Hampshire. Try being Rhode Island, which never even gets its own puzzle piece. Try going through life attached to Massachusetts like a friggin’...