The Smog of War

The Smog of War

Ed Orcutt is a Republican in the Washington state House of Representatives. Okay so far. He says we don’t need more taxes. A familiar point of view. But there’s one tax he likes the sound of – a tax on bicycles. Lots of bikers would argue against that, but...
Putting down the putter-downer

Putting down the putter-downer

Cornwall: Gorgeous! Cornwall politician: Problematic! Councillor (that’s City Council Member to you Amurricans) Collin Brewer has resigned after causing an outcry by saying “Disabled children cost the council too much money and should be put down.”...
Ugly images

Ugly images

Nothing makes me madder than when I find other people hanging their choice of artwork in my personal office. They don’t know what I like! Even if my aides picked it out, they don’t know what I like! Anyone would be furious in a situation like that! Anyone...
An apology in Alabama

An apology in Alabama

On Saturday night, the chief of police in Montgomery, AL apologized publicly to civil rights leader John Lewis for the department’s failure to protect Lewis and other Freedom Riders from an angry white mob back in 1961. Today, Lewis is a Georgia Congressman....

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