Cornwall: Gorgeous! Cornwall politician: Problematic!

Councillor (that’s City Council Member to you Amurricans) Collin Brewer has resigned after causing an outcry by saying “Disabled children cost the council too much money and should be put down.”

He made the statement to representatives of Disability Cornwall at an event for equal-opportunity organizations. Brewer approached Disability Cornwall’s table, was told about the group’s work and promptly informed the non-profit of his enlightened views. When the remark was reported in the press and greeted with widespread horror and incredulity, Brewer at first responded that he was being “flippant” and that his statement was designed “to provoke a debate.” He resisted calls to step down for several days, but finally did so last week.

Brewer said that the comment was “against my character” and that this was his “first indiscretion.” The former comment is a square in Bad Apology Bingo; the latter is not, due to an oversight for which your hostesses are very sorry.

Here is a picture of Mr. Brewer.

Colin-Brewer-1And here is a picture of actor Gary Busey.

busey3Busey once said, “My dark side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids’ parties.” SorryWatch’s fervent hope is that his doppelganger Brewer has joined him there, expelling hot air and reflecting on how disabled children deserve balloons as well as funding and services from a just society.

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