Apologies from the desert with no pants on

Apologies from the desert with no pants on

SorryWatch went to Burning Man this year. Actually half of SorryWatch went to Burning Man. The Sumac half. Sumac and The Horse Doc (not her actual playa name) were lounging on the couches at Liminal Labs when thoughtful, kindly observers xtraslky and Dr. Cheezie told...
hollow apology

hollow apology

I am addicted, hardcore, to the Fox show Sleepy Hollow. It is utterly insane. Ichabod Crane is a former Revolutionary War soldier who wakes up in modern-day Sleepy Hollow and fights demons and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (one is headless, btw) with a...
Little cool thing

Little cool thing

At the wheel, nervous passenger in front seat. (Okay, my mother, in town for the day.) One of those times when bad drivers burst out of every alley. (“Oh no, I’m late for my frenzy!”) On the freeway, a taxi suddenly darted into our lane, apparently...
Firing the traitors

Firing the traitors

The editor of Guns & Ammo made a horrible terrible epic mistake. He overestimated his readers. To their faces. Worse, he overestimated his advertisers. The December issue of Guns & Ammo, “The World’s Most Widely Read Firearms Magazine,” ran a column by...

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