

One of our first posts was about Australia’s National Day of Healing (aka Sorry Day). It happens every February 13, the anniversary of the Australian Parliament’s decision to apologize to the indigenous peoples they’d had screwed over and abused for...
Apologies and non-apologies to comfort women

Apologies and non-apologies to comfort women

Last week, Japan’s former prime minister Tomiichi Murayama visited South Korea and met with three former comfort women. Comfort women, of course, were those 200,000 women (some of them very young teenagers) forced into prostitution for the Japanese military during...
Does it help if you hate yourself?

Does it help if you hate yourself?

Medical technician David Kwiatkowski was addicted to fentanyl. He had a simple way of getting this legally-controlled opioid, used for severe pain. At hospitals where he worked, he’d take pre-filled syringes of fentanyl, shoot up, refill the syringes with...

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