…you could take a lesson in apologizing from a boy named Jack. Jack was visiting an outpost of Powell’s Bookstore in Portland when he had an unfortunate regurgitory incident. Employees cleaned up. “It was gigantic in diameter,” Bookstore manager Jennifer Wicka told Buzzfeed. (She estimated that the puke in question had a 10- to 12-foot spatter radius.) But such is life in a retail environment.

What is rarer is a lovely apology for upchuck. A few days after the hork happenstance, the bookstore received this note.

barftweetHere’s another shot of the apology letter, from Buzzfeed:


Obviously no one performs peristaltic pyrotechnics in Powell’s on purpose. But just as you should apologize when you accidentally step on someone’s foot, so should you when you accidentally ralph in aisle one. Jack (and/or his parents) clearly understood the impact of his technicolor yawn, expressed regret and made amends. With humor. Bravo to Jack, who was raised right.



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